By: Edward L. Blais, JD, CIC

Having a pool in your backyard is refreshing for those hot weekends and summer block parties. If you have recently installed a pool at your home and are ready to enjoy the water, remember to consider insurance and water safety.
Fortunately, a pool is considered separate from your dwelling and is therefore covered under the “other structures” section of your homeowner’s policy, similarly to sheds, detached garages and gazebos.
However, if you have a number of detached structures, or if your pool was on the expensive side, the standard coverage may not be enough. If this is the case, you may want to consider adding a higher amount of coverage for your specific structures.
While evaluating your insurance coverage, you should keep in mind that, no matter the type of policy, insurance will not cover damage done to your pool by freezing, thawing, pressure, or weight of ice or water. This is why it is so important to “winterize” your pool if you live in cold climates.
Not only should you think about the insurance coverage for your pool, but also take a moment to consider liability coverage. Installing a pool increases your chances of liability if someone is injured or killed as a result of using your pool. If you are a homeowner with a pool, we strongly recommend you consider increasing your liability coverage or purchasing an personal umbrella liability policy.
Remember, it is always best to set up some pool safety rules to decrease your potential liability exposure.
If you have any additional questions regarding insurance coverages for your pool, please contact Blais Insurance at 401- 725 -0070.